The Wentworth House, Portsmouth, NH. The original owner of the house was John Wentworth (1671–1730), a merchant, sea captain, and onetime lieutenant governor of New Hampshire. Just an example of the furnishings in these two books,
Two Volumes of historic homes, art, and furnishings. Published by the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Explore the early cabinetmakers, artists, and craftsmen and their patrons and those who donated.
American Furniture, 1620–1730: The Seventeenth-Century and William and Mary Styles
PDF "American Furniture in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vol. I, Early Colonial Period: The Seventeenth-Century and William and Mary Styles." Safford, Frances Gruber
PDF "American Furniture in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Late Colonial Period. Vol. II, The Queen Anne and Chippendale Styles." Heckscher, Morrison H