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Private Gottlieb Dietzman and the 17th Missouri Volunteer Infantry Regiment

Writer: Melissa Davenport BerryMelissa Davenport Berry

Private Gottlieb Dietzman and Drummer Boy Frederick Dietzman

The 17th Missouri Volunteer Infantry Regiment  was organized in St. Louis, Missouri in August 1861 by the German-American Turner Society.

Was Drummer Boy Of Vicksburg Oakland Tribune May 7, 1918

Historic memories of the twenty-three battles center in an old drum which was placed in the collection of Civil War relics on exhibition in the store of S.N. Wood, at Fourteenth and Washington streets by its owner, Frederick Dietzmann, of 3768 Brookdale Avenue. In most of the big actions of the Civil War, Dietzmann, as the drummer boy in Company A, Seventeenth Volunteer Infantry of St. Louis, Mo., beat the charge on the drum on several occasions his treasured drum almost fell into the hands of the Confederates. Dietzmann joined the Union Army as a drummer boy at the age of 15, serving in the same company with his father, John G. Dietzmann.

When his first drum was destroyed by fire the young drummer was presented with another by Captain Rushe of Company A. In a fight between the opposing forces at Raymond Miss., in which his father lost an arm, young Dietzmann was taken prisoner, but previously hid his drum in the steeple of a church. He was sent back there by the Confederates to nurse wounded soldiers.

The wounded were ordered moved to another church and Dietzmann placed his drum in a sugar barrel which the Confederated unsuspecting, carried for him to the other church. Following an exchange of prisoners, Dietzmann rejoined the Union forces and beat the charge at Vicksburg, Chattanooga, on the march from Atlanta to the sea and elsewhere. Since the war Dietzman and his drum have played a conspicuous part in gatherings of the veterns. One of these was the ceremony attending the unveiling of a monument to the soldiers of the North and South at Vicksburg a year ago.

Dietzmann will carry the drum in the G.A..R. parade tomorrow.

He is a member of Appomattox Post and has one son in the American Army in France and two others are ready to answer their country's call. Dietzmann regrets that he cannot go along with them.

Thursday January 5, 1893

The Redwood Gazette Redwood Falls, Minnesota

Comrade Gottlieb Dietzman Last Roll Call

After a short illness, at his home in this city, Gottlieb Dietzman died last Friday afternoon, December 30, 1892 at the age of 69 years. Heart disease was the cause.

He was one of the oldest settlers of Redwood county. He was born in Germany in 1824 and before coming to this country learned the trade of a stone cutter. Some years after his marriage to the surviving widow he emigrated to this country and settled in St. Louis in 1845 where he remained and at the breaking out of the war in 1861 enlisted the day following the capture of Camp Jackson, for three months service in the 5th Missouri Home Guards, and on the 23rd of August, the three monthss having expired, he re-enlisted for three years in Co. A, 17th Missouri Infantry and took an active part in the service. At the Battle of Raymond, Mississippi on May 12, 1863, he lost his right arm and was left in the enemy's lines with his son Fred to nurse him, and when Grant retook Raymond on the Jackson Campaign he was liberated and sent to Vicksburg, after which he acted as guard at the St. Louis arsenal until honorably discharged and pensioned. He moved to Minnesota in 1868 and located in the town of Sherman this county, and about twelve years ago removed to this city. Deceased was a member of John Marsh Post G.A.R.and an honored and respected citizen.

The funeral took place at the Lutheran  Church last Sunday under the auspicesof the G.A.R. and the impressive services conducted by Rev. Hanson were listened to by as many of the congregation as the edifice would hold. Deceased leaves behind to mourn his demise a family consisting of the widow and five children: Fred, Minnie Knipple, Mollie Glumnl, Gustav and Edward, who have the sympathy of the entire community. The family of the late Gottlieb Dietzman desire to express their earnest and heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends who lent their aid and comfort during his final illness and after the death of the departed especially do we appreciate the sympathy and help extended by the comrades of the G.A.R. and the W.R.C. of Redwood Falls.

Dear Sir,

My Great Grandfather Johann Gottlieb Dietzman and his son Johann Frederick Dietzman served in the 17th Missouri. I don't believe Friedrick was 17 when he enlisted as a drummer boy. His birth date is, February 08,1846, born in Brockau, Saxony, Prussia. All the family think he gave his age as 17, so he could join with his father Gottlieb. I have a picture of him and his dad togeather in uniform. Also a picture of Great Uncle Frederick when he was older with his drum. He said he was going to leave his drum to the military museum in California when he died. I don't know if that happened or not. I also have another picture of a man in uniform. Some think it is a member of our family but we can't be sure. Could I email you a copy of them? Thanks you for your help.

Margaret Dietzman Carson

Dear Margaret,

Gottlieb and Frederick joined company A, 17th Missouri in August 1861 at St. Louis Missouri. The 17th Missouri Regimental Descriptive Roll indicates that Gottlieb enlisted as a private age 39 and had been employed as a mason. His son Frederick is listed as musician age 17 and was a laborer. We have located what we believe is Johann Fredrick's drum at the California Veteran's Home at Yountville, California. According to Fredrick's death certificate he spent his last years at the Yontville Veterans Home. The drum has the same general features as the drum in the picture. The strap appears to have blood stains that could be those of his father Johann Gottlieb who was wounded at the  battle of Raymond. They were taken prisoner and later released when Sherman captured Jackson about a month later.

Thank you for the information and permission to post their picture on the 17th Missouri Web Site. Phil Hinderberger.



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